Saturday 8 October 2011

Stranglethorn Sunset

Here's a couple of shots taken on chance whilst questing in Northern Stranglethorn. I think it really picks out some of the graphical enhancements made to lighting and water ( and better trees!) since the World of Warcraft Cataclysm expansion arrived.

Norther Stranglethorn Sunset
 The real difference can be seen when compared to an older, pre-Cataclysm shot like this one..

 Of course its not all sunshine and isolated beaches where we would dream of spending some fantasy holidays, Northern Stranglethorn still has its dense, crocodilisk infested jungle areas!!

Northern Stranglethorn River Jungle
I hope you enjoy browsing the the pictures here, coming soon a few tips on taking screenshots and hidden settings you can use to improve the quality of your World of Warcraft screenshots .

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